ODR - Open Deal Realty
ODR stands for Open Deal Realty
Here you will find, what does ODR stand for in Real Estate under Industry category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Open Deal Realty? Open Deal Realty can be abbreviated as ODR What does ODR stand for? ODR stands for Open Deal Realty. What does Open Deal Realty mean?The United States based company is located in Brooklyn, New York engaged in real estate industry.
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Alternative definitions of ODR
- Oakland Durant Rockridge Lodge #188
- Overseas Depository Receipt
- Online Dispute Resolution
- OutDoor Recreation
- Oscillating Disk Rheometer
- Office of Defense Resources
- Ord River, Western Australia, Australia
- officer of defense resources
View 27 other definitions of ODR on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
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- OBL Omega Bikes Ltd
- OCCI Oman Chamber of Commerce and Industry
- OPIDG OPI Digital Group
- OSI One Source Inc
- OGR Oscar Global Research
- OSTS One Stop Truck Shop
- OOIRPL One One Infinity Rewards Pty Ltd
- OEC Orion Engineered Carbons
- ONRGIB Orange National Retail Group Inc. Brokerage
- OFII Omega Financial Investments and Insurance
- OWT Opes Wealth Trust
- OBC One Big Community
- OOD Ontario Out of Doors
- OHNC Oak Hollow Nursing Ctr
- ODE Oilfield Development Engineering
- OGCL The Original Gauge Company Limited
- OCI Open Container Initiative
- OCG Oakdale Care Group
- OMHCI Overlook Masonic Health Center Inc